Instead of the deprecated `vw()` function we will now be using postcss-pxv for viewport unit conversions. You can read more about that here.
The way we're doing responsive typogrpahy is all new! Sorry! Writeup here.
h1 – This is how we CSS
h1 {
@include setType(32, 48);
setType() can be used with 2 arguments. Specify the mobile font size, and desktop font size, both of which should be available in Figma. It will automatically scale based on site settings.
h2 – Heading example
h2 {
@include setType(26, 40);
My favorite heading tag is h3
h3 {
@include setType(22, 33);
Sometime's h4's get neglected
h4 {
@include setType(20, 27);
But not as much as h5's
h5 {
@include setType(18, 23);
This h6 is a bit larger than the paragraph
h6 {
@include setType(16, 20);
This is an example paragraph tag. Sometimes for smaller fonts you want to override the smallest size it can go. In this case pass in the $minClamp argument which is the percentage the minimum font size should be. Set it to 100% to have it not scale any smaller than default.
p {
@include setType(14, 16, $minClamp: 94%);
This is an example paragraph with the class ".p--xs". For very small selectors you may not want it to ever scale smaller. The `minClamp` argument can also just be value on it's own:
.p--xs {
@include setType(10, 12, 100%);